Saturday, January 28, 2006


My favorite spot in the morning is my coffee corner. As I stumble out of bed, slip on my blue fuzzy slippers and my thick terry robe, my mind is on only one thing....get my coffee. If I have done some advance thinking, I have already put the filter in place, and filled the water reservoir the night before. Now, off to the freezer where the canister of Folgers new Gourmet Supreme dark roast waits. Ahh...minutes later, a steaming cup of morning delight. Poured into my vintage, garage sale "Forget-me-not" cup, and sweetened with my sugar free/very low fat vanilla flavored Coffee-Mate...I am off to my little corner of the living room where I feast on the Word of God. I love my early mornings, when the household still sleeps, and the only sound is the cats rubbing up against me, or walking across my bible, looking for some affection. For a little while, at least, the house is mine alone, and it's me and the Lord. Now I can face the world.
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1 comment:

savvycityfarmer said...

I am very familiar with this spot and miss it terribly. I can taste the Folgers,Mrs Olsen. It's the richest kind...that cup is the bomb