Thursday, August 31, 2006




This spring I put in 3 itty, bitty basil plants.
Today I cut one of the plants down, and washed it gently.
Then...the magic begins.

4 c (crammed in) basil leaves
6 gi-normous cloves garlic
2/3 c pine nuts
12 TBL. parmesan cheese
Finely chop together in food processor

Gradually add while food processor is running to make a thick paste:
1/2 to 1 cup extra-virgin olive oil

I put it in those teeny, 6 oz. or so, jam jars, and freeze for months.
Wonderful as a Christmas gift.
Oh my goodness....did I say CHRISTMAS???

Pesto is good on a Boboli pizza crust, alone, or in addition to your pizza sauce
Yummy tossed with hot pasta, with a few chunks of fresh tomatoes thrown in
On sliced tomatoes with a dribble of aged balsamic
I could go on and on and on...

I should get at least 3 more batches of this yummy stuff from the basil still left in the garden!

Pin It!


savvycityfarmer said...

I feel yet another post coming on...can't keep meeting this way.

savvycityfarmer said...

Wish I could just hand over the apple peels for the "girls"...c'mom see what mama has for you.....I LOVE it!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, can we come over. I LOVE pesto and have never met anyone who makes their own! WOW, you're really cool.

HomemakerAng said...

i made pesto yesterday too!