Saturday, September 30, 2006


This is Albie Mae, short for "Albino Mae West". She is one of our 3 Aracaunas.
We know she is not really an albino, but Ave decided to call her that anyway. I recently added "Mae" to her name, as I felt she was quite sassy, bossy, and Mae West!
It fit's.

This is one of the 7 Isa Browns. Not sure which, as they look so much alike.
These girls are the opposite of the 3 Aracaunas, which are ever so slightly schitzophrenic.
The Isa's are friendly, inquisitive, and quite frankly, much nicer to be around.
The Aracaunas are more like the "popular clique" from high school.
Unapproachable, stuck on themselves, rather nasty to all the others.

We have had so much rain lately, the grass is doing nothing but growing. And it's been so wet, that no one can mow the lawn. The girls don't care, tho.
Here, they are out for their evening foray into the gardens. I generally let them out around 6pm or so, for a couple of hours of real freedom. I lure them in around 8pm with a pan of kitchen scraps. They come running after me, as only a chicken can!

Here is my "other" girl, Kissy Face. She is around 11 years old.
Still my best mouser.
She sleeps with us every night till around 5am, then she paws me on the shoulder and meows.
That is her sign to me to let her out. She does NOT use the indoor kitty litter box. She must go outside.
It is typically a circus here in the mornings as cats and dog are wanting in and out. Pete has his coffee and bible/prayer time right in front of the slider, so he is the designated "doorman"!
Pin It!


Tea said...

Albie Mae looks very inquisitive!
The couch you were asking about was just an old dusty rose pink one that pulls out into a bed and I recovered it :)


Anonymous said...

Lovely photo of your chooks all a grazing!

Anonymous said...

That anon above was Wildside, BTW...

Anna said...

Doesn't Kissy ever take a run at the girls?

Anonymous said...

Adorable! I haven't noticed any cliques forming yet with my girls, but I'm sure by the time they're teenagers they'll have worked out a pecking order :o) One of my araucanas is quickly becoming a favorite, she really seems to like to be held and hops right up into my hand when I lower it into the tub.

kpjara said...

I love the girls! It is interesting how they have such personality. My uncle has hens and roosters and it also amazes me to see how each rooster has his own brood of 'gals'!

savvycityfarmer said...

I hoping you can bring some of those girl's eggs when you come this way...I can see Pete at the's like his perch!!!

Unknown said...

That MJ book is a small one, on farmgirl wisdom with magnets, I don't have it yet but you can find it at MaryJane is certainly a hero of mine!

savvycityfarmer said...

I have new newsy news!!!

Anonymous said...

I was showing my Landon the pics of your girls...he said, "MOM, I FED THOSE GIRLS FOOD". He remembered coming out to your house and feeding the chickens! Great pictures!!!!

kansasrose said...

Hey Cyn? Where ya be??? Gathering chook eggs or canning and cooking some wonderful french food? I love the chook pics! Miss you and Joy too! Sue is this the junebug from MJ farmgirl connection? Small net world! I am the former meadowlark! HA! Farmgals seem to find each other! How are you?

Lori said...

Our neighbors have chickens. We enjoy watching them run around their yard. They sometimes hold up traffic crossing the street, LOL. We think it's funny.