Thursday, December 14, 2006


If you had ANY idea what Cyn has been dealing with in the last month, you would not begrudge me a touch of Argentinian "champagne"! (at 4pm)
Accompanying the sparkling wine is a Wasa Multi Grain cracker, covered in one teeny triangle of Laughing Cow LIGHT cheese, with a thin veil of Kalamata olive pesto spread atop.
I'd say it was the PERFECT afternoon snack!
(who needs Christmas cookies and milk, when you have "champagne"????)
Pin It!


savvycityfarmer said...

I'm having my nightime pick me up and just laboured through the farmhouse tour....enjoy......loving and missing you...Christmas goodie box being mailed Monday....

Unknown said...

Champagne at 4 p.m.? Doesn't everyone?

Amy said...

Yeah forget about the christmas cookies! I'll have what you're having:) Not sure what you've had to deal with this past month, but I hope all is ok cyn:)

HomemakerAng said...

that nightime pick me up (city farmer) would put me into night time bed... coffee for me :)

Anonymous said...

Tagged you on my blog! Have a glass for me...praying for whatever you're dealing with!

diana said...

yummy ... I will have a glass too !!

Cin said...

Praying for you, whatever you are going through.

Rosa said...

Oh, I love grazing! I could eat cheese and crackers 4ever!!!

kansasrose said...

champagne for breakfast! Prayers going up for you hon! xxxooo