Years ago, at an estate sale I came across this butter dish.
It was love at first site.
The asking price? $25.00...WAY out of my league.
I had $15 on me. Would they take it?
Then came the little story of the butter dish. It had belonged to Grandma. Was always on her table for every meal. They remembered it fondly, like every other piece they were having to sell. Bits and pieces from their past. Treasures from their memories.
My promise?
I will not "buy to re-sell".
I will give it a good home. It will not be "on display", but used daily.
It will become piece from my life, for my children, and my childrens children, to look back on some day and remember fondly.
It is now "Memere's butter dish".
And the sweet little bowl to it's left?
Part of a birthday package from Joy at savvycityfarmer.
It holds "Raw Sugar", which incidentally is NO healthier than the white stuff, just looks prettier!
Wow! What a match! I love them.
I too have a butter dish...from my Mom and it is used daily. My thinking...why shove it in a cupboard when it can be used and enjoyed...a fond memory of love.
You bring out the nostalgia in me...I immedialtely transported myself to Grandma Bauers kitchen
...butter...lard jars....cast iron skillets.. cinnamon rolls rising..all the comfort she could create using food...she was one of the healthiest live a long time Grandma that I've ever know...all that without South Beach and low fat this and low fat that...just a life loving...not bitter or angry..woman of God who loved to feed her family the food of comfort.
What a sweet pair of dishes! And I love that you made that promise to use an old family treasure and make it a treasure for a new family.
I love it..what a treasure..and you are too!!!
Beautiful story, Cyn.
Your butter dish is gorgeous....I saw quite a few pieces similar to it at the flea market that I visited on Sunday....makes me wish I had bought some of it now....I shall look out for it next time!
oh I just love your butter dish and sugar bowl - I love discovering items like this!
Such a pretty butter dish! A wonderful story to go with it!
What a wonderful story. Sweet you carrying on the beauty of a piece to your family. How lovely. It is beautiful, by the way. I too use unprocessed sugar. I think the white is a lot sweeter. It's hard when I use it away from home in my coffee. I have to remember to adjust! xo
This post just made me feel warm on this bitter cold day! The dishes are so beautiful! I have my grandma's bisquit barrel....it had big pink roses painted on it and I always admired it as a little girl. She put my name on a slip of paper and put it inside to make sure I got it when she passed on. A good memory of my grandma Mamie. Thanks for sharing these good memories Cyn! YOU are one rockin farmeress! ;)
I would never sell that butter dish either. Very sweet.
What a beautiful butter dish, and such a find! The story that goes with it is just downright charming...
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