A family from our church started a garlic farm a couple years ago, and WE are reaping the benefits! Offered to church folk first, (at a fabulous price, I might add!) we happily grabbed up what I thought might get us thru till next fall.
I think I miscalculated!
We eat a LOT of garlic here!

Roasted garlic tutorial:
Slice end off top of whole head of garlic so most of the cloves are peeking out.
(I do a few heads at once...they keep for quite a while in fridge)
Place on piece of aluminum foil.
Drizzle with a bit of olive oil...maybe a teaspoon or two per head.
Fold foil over garlic to enclose.
Roast at 425 for maybe 45 min to 1 hour.
When cooled ever so slightly, squeeze out the softened garlic into small dish.
Spread on crusty, toasted anything.
For leftovers...cover with olive oil and store in fridge for maybe a month or so.
You can find many uses for roasted garlic.
Add a few cloves to your mashed potatoes. Add to cream cheese with various herbs, for a fabulous garlic spread.
Just don't do what I did the 1st time I roasted garlic.
I could not stop eating it. It was so creamy and almost sweet. It had lost all it's "bite",
or so I thought.
It bit me, all right.
The next day eau de garlic was oozing from my pores.
I kid you not.
I stunk to high heaven.
And gas???
All I can say is: learn from my mistake.
But use it.
Slice end off top of whole head of garlic so most of the cloves are peeking out.
(I do a few heads at once...they keep for quite a while in fridge)
Place on piece of aluminum foil.
Drizzle with a bit of olive oil...maybe a teaspoon or two per head.
Fold foil over garlic to enclose.
Roast at 425 for maybe 45 min to 1 hour.
When cooled ever so slightly, squeeze out the softened garlic into small dish.
Spread on crusty, toasted anything.
For leftovers...cover with olive oil and store in fridge for maybe a month or so.
You can find many uses for roasted garlic.
Add a few cloves to your mashed potatoes. Add to cream cheese with various herbs, for a fabulous garlic spread.
Just don't do what I did the 1st time I roasted garlic.
I could not stop eating it. It was so creamy and almost sweet. It had lost all it's "bite",
or so I thought.
It bit me, all right.
The next day eau de garlic was oozing from my pores.
I kid you not.
I stunk to high heaven.
And gas???
All I can say is: learn from my mistake.
But use it.
I absolutely love garlic - delicious roasted garlic spread on warm bread, the amazing scent (and sounds) garlic makes when being sauteed with onions, and chunky specs in my seafood pasta. Thanks for the purty pictures!
I'll try that one again...
I said — or tried to say — garlic, when it is roasted, tastes like candy.
Cyn, This post made me laugh...and crave garlic...I know what ya mean about it oozong from the pores. People keeping their distance including any lurking vampires...:O I swear by it's medicinal properties too..if I feel a bug or cold coming on I stoke up on garlic tablets and oft times the bugs and viruses hate the garlic too...and leave my BODY ALONE to get well. Chicken with 40 cloves of garlic is my fav! But the afteraffects...( phewwwwww!) I can do without. I love your foodie tutorals! :) xxxooo
I try and I try....just can't make the claims that everyone does....but it kicks the common cold in the butt.
Nice to see the KR back like her old self........
Yumm....roasted garlic rocks!
I was delighted to find your blog. Not that long ago I posted an Egg Post as well.
We just love roasted garlic.
We love garlic in our household too! :)
LOL! I heard if you feed it to a dog it will keep the fleas off!
Tell me now, would the dog be going after garlic or would you have to force feed????? haha
That must be why I am "flea free"!!!
This is such a yummy way to eat garlic! I can smell it from here!! LOL
How wonderful! I'm a garlic finatic! How will you keep it til next fall though?
At 7:30 in the morning you have given me a garlic craving. Garlic pancakes anyone? Jen
We eat a lot of garlic here. Daily almost. And more when we're sick. Best cure for a bad cold -- or at least it makes the symptoms more bearable.
Right now I stink to high heaven!
(OK, that would probably truly qualify as 'TMI' -- too much information!!!)
THANKS! I HAVE THE GANN GARLIC TOO AND WAS JUST PEELING IT FOR TODAY!!! IRONIC! M made the site www.gannfamilyfarms.com i think it is...
lol! We too love garlic here :)
Garlic is so good for you! I love it. Thanks for the recipe, I'm gonna try it! Maybe I won't limit myself on it. Here lately, I can't sit down without a little one climbing on my lap. I love it most times, but I could use some space. Maybe if I smell garlicky I'll get some much needed space!
I'll try this and I loved the great ideas you had, since I love garlic! It is so good in just about everything, but I have never roasted any like that.
Thanks to your advice I'll not go overboard with eating too much though!! LOL
I have done the same thing - eaten too much (supposedly) roasted garlic and been shunned by polite society for days. Oh well, the person (mon mari) who ate it with me didn't notice....
Ha! I hear you, on eating too much of the stuff. I love garlic raw or roasted, but one does need to be careful!
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