My 31 yod and her girlfriend were on their way to the gym Wednesday morning and hit a patch of the dreaded "black ice" on the expressway going 50 mph. For those of you in the warmer climates, black ice doesn't really look like ice, it looks like the road. Her friend totally lost control of the car and rolled her 2 year old SUV twice, before landing in a ditch. Vehicle totalled.
Her friend was just shook up, no injuries. Gina had deep lacerations on her right hand, which required stitches and a visit to a hand surgeon yesterday. Her husband is a pilot and has been out of town, so I have been staying with her and helping around her house. She will be out of work for several weeks (she is a hair stylist, and has to use that right hand for scissors, etc), but insurance will cover some loss of wages and all medical bills.
Daily I pray for protecting angels over each one in my family. That is not to say bad things don't happen, as we have an enemy, the devil, whose sole goal is to "kill, steal, and destroy". BUT...."greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world".
"He will give His angels charge over you to accompany and defend and preserve you in all your ways." Psalm 91:11
And we are not talking those sweet, little, bare-bottomed cherubic angels on the harps either.
We are talking WARRIOR ANGELS!
Bless the LORD, you His angels, Mighty in strength, who perform His word, obeying the voice of His word." Psalm 103:20
The above verse means the angels obey "the voice of His word"....
and fellow believers....
Cyn, those are the moments we as parents all dread. I join you in thankfulness for protection on your daughter and her friend. Your post today could have been so different and it sends chills up my spine to think that.
Blessed be the name of the Lord. I'll pray for a speedy recovery, for sure.
I think the angels were watching over them with such a wreck as you described. Prayers that they will mend quickly! God is so good!!
Having trouble commenting here....I am praying for your daughter!
Yeh, me too shabby....connectile disfunction...
on a more serious note, cyn...you KNOW how much I pray for you and yours....We shall all learn from this...and be thankful and grateful and G will also be drawn in a little closer!!!!!
I will sure be keeping your family in my prayers....I am thankful things wern't worse..how scary though!!!!
Love the 'Warrior Angels' reference, and am thankful they watched over your daughter and her friend. Hope she heals quickly....
I am always worried when a blogger friend does not post for a few days.
But I am happy it all turned out.
There are forces out there we cannot explain (well, I cannot explain. I have a friend who lost her husband thanks to black ice, so I am grateful for your daughter and her friend's safety.
wow that's amazing, there were truly angels protecting them. I rolled our SUV too on new year's day and although it was written off we were all ok...
:( this type of news shakes me up inside..my heart actually started to pound....so sorry to hear of this tonight cyn and am glad they will be ok & will heal. xo
Cyn, Praying for a quick recovery and healing for your daughter! Angels were definitely in the midst...Praise the Lord for His divine protection!
praying for your family and a speedy recovery xoxo
I've received that call & it's not a feeling I'd wish for anyone! I too, believe that angels were watching over our daughter when she was involved in a very serious accident a few years ago. I'll keep your daughter in my prayers & hope for a speedy recovery. I'm glad that she is okay...that's the most important part.
Amen! The mighty angels wrap your wings around Cyn and her children and husband and kin and stand down! WE HAVE PLACED OUR HOPE IN THE LIVING GOD! 1 Timothy 4.10b Thank you Lord for watching over these young women and I pray that their recovery be swift and sure and that they walk in your protection and love always. Amen. And watch over this mother and bless her and give her peace and strength all her days... Amen. A candle is lit for you and yours...
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