They've been "cooped" up long enough!
With a bit of bare ground right outside their hen house door, I let them out for a time of scratching. Albie Darn I'm a Rooster, (above) sticks around so's he can keep an eye out for any intruders that might harm his precious harem!

The temps were in the low 30's, but they didn't seem to care. It has to be better than being stuck in an 8x8 with nothing to do. (except for Albie, he has plenty to keep him busy!)

Little patches of bare ground, the swelling of buds on the trees, the smell of dirt and grass, mud puddles....
I feel like spring is coming to Narnia!
Can you feel it, too?
oh cute! hey I let my girls out too their patch of dirt is even smaller then yours:) albe has it made! ahhhahaa!
Love the chicken pictures. Your brown hens look a lot like my brown hens. They really are so fun to observe. We have one that escaped and has been rotortilling my flower bed, busy little thing.
I love seeing pictures of chickens :o) Your araucana in the middle picture looks just like one of mine (her name is Bluebeard the pirate chicken). I'm happy your girls are getting to spend a little time outside!
Love that white chicken!
If Albie Darn was mine, I'd be holding him in my lap petting him...wouldn't I? He looks like a Maltese puppy :)
oneblueegg-they rush the door when they hear me comin'...they LOVE to get free!
Lovella-my brown hens are Isa Browns. When the weather is warm, they love to foray into the garden. I think I will have to limit their time out of the fence this spring, as they will eat my tender greens and perennials.
Amanda-the white one is a "he", and as cute as he is, he will not let me near him!
Marne-my Aracauna's name is Lady Hawk, cause she looks like a hawk!
Tracey-We love him too! He was an answer to prayer, as the farmer we got the young chicks from was positive there were no roosters. A few months later...ta da!
Shabby-NO I am most certain you would not be holding him! The Isa Brown hens are pretty friendly, but the Aracaunas are skittish and very standoffish.
How wonderful you have signs of spring. We still have lots of snow, and the hens have not left their house in a long time! I'm sure they can't wait.
Adorable! What great photos. I want those chickens at my house!
my brown hens are Hy-line browns. I'm sure they must be cousins.
Is this a 'girl's day out'?
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