No, I haven't joined a secret organization connected with the government. I am definitely NOT involved with the mafia, or drug runners! And I am NOT a menber of the local PTA, PTO, or FYI!
Instead.... I have joined a CSA!
Trillium Haven Farms
Here is a little bit of info off their web page...
At the heart of our farm is our CSA (Community Supported Agriculture); agriculture as it was meant to be, a center for community life. As opposed to purchasing produce in a warehouse-like grocery store, our “shareholders” receive their produce through an intimate relationship with our farm. They know their farmers and the soil their produce is grown in.
The concept of Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is simple:
- Each year you buy a “share” of the harvest, becoming a “shareholder” of the farm.
- The yearly share price supports the actual running of the farm.
- In return, the farm supplies each shareholder with their weekly share of produce based on the actual production of the farm.
Can anybody shout "Halleluiah and Amen"?
I first encountered Trillium Haven Farms at our local farmers market. (which, by the way, I had to drive half an hour, or more, on a Saturday morning, to get to)
The long lines, and the fact that they were an organic farm, were what first caught my eye.(ouch!) And after purchasing from them week after week after week, I knew I had to have more. I was able to talk with Anja, the wife of the husband/wife team that runs Trillium, and her enthusiasm was contagious! She told me about the CSA and said if I was interested for next year, to look them up in the spring of '07. Thnkfully, when I called this week, she said there were a few spots left for "farm pick-up". If I have a choice, and the choices are separated only by a few cents a pound, I will always choose organic. And organics, raised within 9 minutes of Cyn's pseudo farmette, is even better! So every Tuesday from June thru October, you will find me picking up my goody bags from Trilliums.
So now, what does Cyn grow in HER potager?
Perhaps some heirloom tomatoes (as nothing beats a tomato fresh off the vine!), and some basil, of which one can never have enough of, and maybe some rosemary....who can roast a Sunday chicken w/o rosemary???
Sounds wonderful!!! If my little worker bees (kids) and I didn't have the space to grow our own I would for sure look for a CSA..that one sounds wonderful!!!
I adore your new scarecronie!!!I end up making a new one each year and my steal your idea of a gal this year. I tend to put mine in overalls..a dress and apron is adorable!!!
I just love coming here to see what you are up to..and I love to see the pretty pictures of the wonderful meals you cook!!
I am not aware of any CSAs in my area, but I do know of some people who may have the time to start it. I hope so, because the farm market in my city is dying out — I learned today from a vendor that several farmers are dropping out.
not to be confused with the TSA at the airports!
sounds great! we just bought all our seeds for the year for the new bigger garden about an acre size!
Making a lot of work for us but I can't wait!
I'm enjoying reading your blog.
I was a "farm girl" not so long ago.
Back Porch Musings
Now that's money well spent! and what a nice time it will be picking up those goods!
That sounds absolutly wonderful!
And so foreign to France! Everyone I know has a huge garden and grows everything. One good thing is that doing it organically is pretty easy here. I can buy organic fertilizer, etc at the farmers co-op!
I still have to hoe though (I don't use pesticides or herbicides) Ho ho ho!
Every summer I look forward to the May long weekend here in Canada. The fruit and Vegetable stand a few minutes away opens its doors with all the wonderful things they grow.
How blessed we are to live with this abundance.
What a great idea. I think my SIL does that. How wonderful that you can go fresh organic. Kudos!
You are invited to a 'potluck'...
That is a great thing! I haven't heard of CSA's around here...
I just read an article about CSAs. How cool. Wish they had them in France.
Nothing better than fresh veggies, especially tomatoes. Nothing tastes the same. I eat them like apples.
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