Monday, June 18, 2007


Previously occupied by some itinerant sparrows, the Bluebirds have re-claimed their nest!
Here is mama Bluebird with some nice new "fabric" for their home. Daddy is just an well he should. Most men don't have a decorator bone in their body!

Taken this morning around 6:30 AM.
Pin It!


Jean said...

What a great picture! Just perfect!

Vanessa said...

I always put out dryer lint for the birds and critters. You've got my prayer for you and your family.

Anonymous said...

love this photo cyn! watching the birdies in the morning is a good know I had a few trying to make a nest under the propane tank lid! I don't have the heart to remove the twigs and won't need propane until fall so I've decided to leave the hundreds of twigs they've brought in there...i love birdies:)

Rachel said...

Wonderful picture!!

Sorry to read the previous post. I hope your step-Dad is still hanging in there. I'll be praying for you and your family.

Rachel said...

I just went and read the comments to see if maybe you had posted about your step-dad. So sorry he passed away. My deepest condolences.