Oy...I can't even tell you how frustrated I get when I try to follow a pattern.
The instructions, yes, even on one of the "EASY-PEASY" patterns, reads like a Greek history book to me.
The seam ripper gets far more use than the actual sewing machine...well, at least equal use!
Cause what I stitch, I almost always have to rip out for one reason or another.
Granted...my machine is a Goodwill find for only $5.00...
I DID have it serviced and oiled and whatever it is they do to old machines, right after I bought it, so I feel quite fortunate that I have a machine at all. The folks at the sewing machine fix-it place told me it was worth about $150.
The GOOD thing about ripping out, and re-ripping out, is by the time I DO get it right, I will never forget it!
And let me tell you, that is certainly a plus right now, cause I am making aprons from vintage sheets I have been collecting at tag sales and thrift stores all summer, and once I get a pattern fixed in my head, there are gonna be plenty more aprons from said pattern!
What a baby I am!
At least there was no cussin' goin' on here, just fussin' and a bit of tears.
Is it just me, or are there other doofus's out there who deal with the same thing?
Please...tell me you're out there!
Oh Cyn, I spend more time ripping than I do sewing. As irritating as it is, I feel kind of proud that I'm willing to rip and resew, instead of accepting crooked seams, or worse, giving up on the whole thing. That looks like a cool project you've got there!
Hi Cyn I don't sew but I crochet. I deal with the exact same thing I kinda have gave up on patterns cause I'am sick of ripping down. Maybe someday I will be able to follow a pattern. It would help if they wrote it so you could understand the thing instead of looking like a foriegn manual for something.
You stole my blog.
I just finished Amélie's dress - well, not quite, I am just going to turn up the hem and try it again instead of going at it with that blasted seam ripper!!!
Can't wait to see your creations.
When I have to start ripping out --that's when I start to lose my enthusiasm for sewing. I'm short on patience when I flub up and have to rip out. I feel your pain, sister.
I hope we get to see the finished aprons. I LOVE aprons and am about to make a few for holiday gifts. OHHHHH- I so don't wanna have to rip out.
Gwyn Rosser
@ The Pink Tractor
I wholeheartedly agree...ripping out is the WORST PART OF THE DEAL! But, the joy of a finished product...ah, it far outways the grief:)
I feel you pain!
Sometimes my eyes hurt and my hands fall asleep with so much rippin'
You will perfect this Cyn!
and I see beautiful aprons in your future :)
Your persistence will pay off!
Your vintage fabric in the photo looks perfect for your project...
Take care!
My seam ripper is my best friend too!! I can't sew ANYTHING without ripping it out, no matter how hard I try. I won't even begin a project until I have located my seam ripper.
At least you try. I have a beautiful sewing machine sitting in my garage. It's so intimidating to me.
It's not ripping out, it's called
unsewing. Now,doesn't that sound much better?
I experience a lot of unsewing with hand quilting.
oh, yeah..... I and my seam ripper are well acquainted.
Last time I sewed, I not only sewed two pieces together wrong side out, but I also cut two left arms, instead of one left and one right.
LOL I redo a LOT of things. But I'm learning!
Oh, and I sew with a 20 dollar yard sale machine.
I used to hate it. I had no idea how to make it work, thought it was a piece of junk.
Then a friend sat down to it to check it out, and told me it was a great machine, I just needed a couple of tips to work with it's little quirks, and now I love it. What I thought were huge problems were easily solved.
Go figure!
I use patterns simply for the pieces, mostly they are straight forward, but I'm with you on pattern reading - once I get reading the actual pattern I'm like a chimp with an origami kit - not a clue. I think some pattern writers are supposed to be writing in English these days - Amy Butler has a good rep. and so do Oliver+S, but SImplicity? Erm. Chinese. Burda? Chinese in the dark.
Yep,seems like I rip more than sew!My machine is older than I am!I know its quirks and I manage to finish a project every once and awhile.I wish I had more time,sigh....
If ripping seams is the worst problem I have to share that I can't even cut out the pattern without doing it wrong (backwards) and then I can't even piece it together unless I want one panel to be backwards! I tried doing aprons (my new thing) and I'm following a Utube video to do it. One size fits all (most) doesn't work either! So my neckline hangs down to my waist, oh well, at least I have something!
I have learned to knit by ripping back - I must have knitted about four times the amount of finished articles. And it took me half a dozen goes to turn my first sock heel - but I got there in the end. Practice makes perfect, doesn't it?!
Pomona x
I hate ripping out!! I think I've decided that I am much better at sewing things like quilts and aprons than more fitted types of garments. More fun and few rip outs :)
You have a lovely blog. Count me as a new follower!
Yup...been there...done that...I am SURE they make patterns difficult to read on PURPOSE!! Someone has to look smart...right?? Once i figured out a pattern i would make it over and over and over again...to try to feel smart! ;-) It did help the more times I made things that way!
Have a wonderful day!
You know, I can sew pretty good....BUT I do get very confused trying to follow a pattern....HATE it! Have a great day!!
Hey! I just popped over from She Looketh Well... love your blog!
Oh my gosh, I don't know how many times I've ripped out my sewing... oi. Especially when you realize you have to do it ALL OVER... I get the feeling that I just wanna kick myself. Or smash my sewing machine...but I could never do that to my baby. ;) What pattern do you have for an apron? It's on my project's list but I don't know how to make one...yet. :D Nice to "meet" you!
Nice to meet you again, Cyn. How blessed are you to be a neighbor of Michelle? Trying not to be jealous, LOL! You have an awesome blog. Hope to visit more often.
God Bless,
You got a great deal on that sewing machine! Yeah, I'm really close friends with my seam rippers too. Notice that is plural! I have about 4 or 5 of them, haha! Have fun making those aprons!
I'm making a tactile quilt for our Sensory Processing Dysfunctional grand daughter and it needs to be heavy and have lots of different fabrics. So I'm using several pairs of my husband's black jeans that he out grew. The tactile fabrics are peaking out of the pockets. Maybe it is just these aging eyes but ripping black thread on black fabric has got to be the worst. I feel your pain. I think I'd rather be making aprons. Yours sound like a real creative adventure.
Oh goodness, I wondered where my "friend" was hiding; I see you've given the new home to the seam ripper.
My 9th grade home ec teacher made me rip out that dratted A-line skirt zipper NINE times because it didn't suit her. It suited me the first time I put it in but noooo, she made me take it out again and again and again. I can't remember her name but can still remember the angst she cause in my life.
Fortunately, she didn't kill my love of sewing.
Wow, if all these comments weren't enough, I'm out here too! I just don't have time for mistakes...very frustrating. My mom used to offer to take out our projects so we could start over fresh. Somehow it helped to have mom doing the ripping.
And I thought I was the only doofus around! Thanks you guys...You all made me feel so much better! I now believe it is a plot, possibly put out there by our very own government, to destroy the minds of homemakers with these so called "easy" patterns. Ha! Many of us have now seen the light...seeing truth once again, w/o the foggy brains of pattern confusion.
Anyone know an easy peasy way to do buttonholes? My worst nightmare...
Thanks for linking up Cindy! You were the 'all things thrifty and farmy' I didn't know how else to word it. You know granny chic, shabby chic, cool farm stuff, antique, I don't know, you seem to do it all! LOL Anyway,thanks for being a part of the party!
Love ya,
Thanks so much for your comments on my blog! Nice to meet you!
I love your header photo as well!
I've abused mine so much there is a crack in the plastic...hang in there crybaby,☹ it does get better than this ....the more you sew, the better you get.
stop all that fussin and don't let me hear no cussin
you crack me up
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