Monday, March 21, 2011

Little of this, little of that....

Pete's Word

Always, always left out on the dining room table, it is where I find Pete EVERY morning.
He does NOTHING without 1st spending time with God.
Since May, 1978...

Vintage canister set

Yes, I actually do use my canister set.
Tho not for the usual uses.
The flour canister holds basmati rice.
The sugar is currently holding homemade graham crackers.

White ironstone coffee mug

One cup.
That's all I can take.
Just one.
Every morning.


A baguette style sourdough bread.
Studded with olives, campari tomato halves, and garlic.
This stuff is BEYOND delicious.

Hope you all are well.
We are desperate for some real spring here.
She's come....but so far she has refused to put on her pretty dress.
Gloomy and wet....

It's all good, tho...
I'm looking to the future and I know there will be sunny, warm days ahead!

In His grace,


  1. Hi Cindy,

    Nice to visit you again. I have been missing in action for a very long time and now I'm back. I've moved to a new blog and hope to stay in touch. All looks well in your life...great post!

    Cindy (formerly from country blessings)

  2. Cindy, love the picture of the Bible!!

    That bread loves awesome..share the recipe?

    Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham

  3. Anonymous7:46 PM

    The weather guesser said tonight we are to have a few thundershowers and then snow this week...Don't blink in MI cause you never know what the weather will be...hey?

  4. Fun post my friend. LOVED seeing your husband's Bible and learning that he reads it every morning...PRECIOUS!!

    Your bread creation looks amazing! YUM! :)

    I can't even handle one cup every has to be once in a blue moon. Love just doesn't love me! :(

    Many blessings,

  5. I have a bible that my mother gave me in 1980 I think that looks pretty much like that.....I have bought a couple of new ones and other translations but I LOVE MY OLD BIBLE!!!! snif needs to be rebound and I need to find out where to get it done. I find things in there so much better than in my newer bibles.
    It does have tabs LOL
    still waitin for spring to put on her pretty dress here too. I love your clothes line....Iv been trying to get my hisband to put one up for me for a couple of years and I think he finally sees the advantage....We have two girls and my washer seems to never stop some days...

  6. Hi Cyn
    Lovely to catch up here! Your bread looks delicious! I love a well worn bible! Mine is falling to pieces, but I love the fact that it's old & I feel free to write in it - I don't want to replace it!
    Hope your spring comes soon - we had our first real autumn day today - nice & cool!
    Have a great day

  7. Love the Bible me there is nothing sweeter and encouraging as an open...well loved and used Bible!

    I too, am waiting patiently for spring to put on her pretty dress! I can see her getting ready for the should be breath taking! Have a wonderful day!


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