Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Field Inspections

Grand Old Flag

I am more than ready to fly my flag.
Sadly, the wind takes it down on a regular basis.
I pick her up out of the holly bush directly below it,
and hang her right back up.

In between the rains there was bits of time to peruse the gardens.

Vintage chalkboard on the front porch

My garden gloves are resting on the edge of the chalkboard...
waiting to be slipped on and put to work.

Vintage cement earless bunny

I'm keepin' him around till there's nothin' left but the base!
I'm a sentimental sap, I know....

Lilac buds!!!

Lilacs are my favorite flower EVER.
Won't be long before there are purple flowers all over this bush.
I have a few lilac shrubs, but this old fashioned one is the most fragrant of all.


If one is not very careful, oregano will take over the herb garden.
It gets HUGE!

Re-seeded parsley!

In our neck of the woods, parsley is an annual.
This year I have one that has come back to me from the grave!


I'm so starved for color, I am even happy to see this little guy!


I love sage.
Even in the deepest cold of January, I can go out to the herb garden, brush away the snow, and pick some sage.
Sage and Thyme.
Both winter over beautifully.

Garden gnome

Oh, oh. He is lookin' pret' near as bad as the earless bunny:(
I suppose I could fix his eye up a bit with some paint,
but then he would lose some of his charm.

Crusty clay pot

I usually plant thyme in this pot, but maybe this year I am ready for a change?
perhaps some chives...
maybe garlic chives?

After my garden walk, this I know.
There is much to be done out there.
Now...if only the rain would stop long enough to dry everything out...
then I could slip those gloves on and git to work!

Meanwhile, since I have to be indoors anyway, I have been working on the CSA schedule for demos and classes.
Experimenting with some sourdough baking.
Counting my many blessings.
And seeking the Lord while He may still be found...

In His grace,


  1. Sounds like you're ready to do a little gardening,too. Aren't we all. The never ending rain is holding things up here.I am planting a few herbs and such in pots of all kinds,too.It's been a might cool out to do much, but the grass is growing like crazy with the rains. I can't wait for a little clearer weather to get back at it.I love mowing the grass,too.

  2. Hi Cindy!
    Happy Easter to you!
    I love your chalkboard on the porch! I will have to look for one to do the same...
    Your herbs look wonderful... I need to check mine out...
    I smiled at your comment about the dandelion. It's been such a long, snowy winter... On the other hand... today it was so hot and humid {I needed a few snowflakes to fall on my head ;o)
    I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
    * Maria
    ps. I saw your previous post with photos of your children! Beautiful, Cindy!

  3. I thouroughly enjoyed this post! Our Lilacs are turning purple here already and they are my favorite (nothing on the planet like that smell!)
    I can't wait to get out in the dirt...soon I hope :)
    Blessings to ya!

  4. I love your pictures! I'm starved for color too. But it's getting more and more colorful around here. Very green! As far as seeking the Lord while indoors, looks like you found Him outdoors as well in all of His little buds, leaves, even nourishment in the middle of winter (the sage). He's so good! I love ya. :)

  5. Enjoyed your pictures. Like you I am waiting for the rains to stop and my garden dry up, also for our weather to warm up and stay warm. Lilacs are my favorite flower also, each house we have lived in has had plenty of lilacs except this one. I brought a small bush with us and will have a few blossoms this year it looks like, I am so excited!

  6. Great post Cyn. Love the earless bunny and lilacs are my favorite flower too!

    Glad you liked the quinoa.

  7. Your garden gnome looks like he's winking! :)

  8. i love your little garden gnome!
