Friday, April 01, 2011

Repair and Report...


Walked around the yard today, checking out the damage from the harsh winter.
Birdhouse in dire need of a hammer was the first casualty.

"Welcome" needs a little TLC
Nothing a little bitty twig can't fix

Curlies on top of gate

The curlies don't need any repairs, but the view beyond will definitely need weeding!

Bolt to the henhouse needs some reinforcing...

Picket on the picket gate needs a nail or two...
No paint tho...I like it like this!

Mailbox COULD use a coat of paint, but since I only use it to hold some extra garden gloves and a tool or two, I think we'll leave well enough alone.

Weeds that need to be pulled...eventually.
For now they add "character" to the sparce open garden spaces

For now things pretty much have to stay as they are.
Warmer days are coming...
I can feel it in my bones!


Anybody started on the spring garden cleaning yet?


  1. Major spring cleaning and purging going on here! So far, I think I have removed the equivalent of 4 large laundry baskets! LOVE it! Not done yet, either.

  2. We still have snow covering most of it.
    Got some extra white this week!

    Yes, warmer days HAVE TO come!

  3. Yes always lot to do after the winter, and paint is always one thing that HAS to be done, have fun in your Spring clean up, hugs

  4. I've come over from Michelle's. I haven't cleaned any of my gardens out yet...waiting for a bit warmer temps!

  5. OMGoodness what beautiful pictures. I'm glad ya'll are warming up, and I'm glad you enjoyed your nice walk around inspecting the winter damage. You're right, not too bad. We didn't have a lot either, we're already into warm days so we're already fixing it up!

  6. Hoping for some warm weather this week so WeeMan and I can get some spring cleaning done in the front flowerbeds this week. We took care of the back a couple of weeks back on a beautifully warm Saturday.

  7. Spring is such a lovely time of the year to get out and check things over,but things grow so fast about this time, it doesn't take long for it to get ahead of you. Sometimes I think folks acoss the way have the right idea about yards. If it is not producing something to eat,do away with it.I guess that works if you don't have much ground, but 5 acres would be a bit much for two aging people to just grow food on, so I guess we'll keep the mowers in good shape for another year.

  8. I went out a couple of days overwhelmed and come back in. Ha! Think I'll wait for another warm and sunny day ;)

  9. Great photos around your home/farm Cindy! Love it!! I agree...the picket fence looks wonderful *worn* like that. And yes, there is work to be done around here too...but no gardening has been *gotten at* yet. (Although...Howie was pruning one of our trees yesterday).

    Thank you for your sweet encouraging words on my blog last week...they are a blessing to my heart!

    Many blessings to you my friend!
    In His Love,

  10. Yep, that's how our littl farm got it's name. When you own a farm or even acreage, you are NEVER DONE*wink*

    Glad to see we're not the only ones with repairs needing to be done. Before Dh switched jobs, it seemed we never had time to get everything done, now that he has weekends off( every weekend, not once a month if we were lucky) we're beginning to see progress!

    Everytime I begin Spring garden clean up the weather changes and it snows or rains, so not much progress in that dept.*sigh* I did however get a winter's worth of dog, poo cleaned up for our yard :o)


  11. Farm Girl Cyn,

    I've never commented before, but I enjoy your blog.

    We have been cleaning around the corn crib, repairing window boxes, and since we are in the south, we've been able to plant some tomatoes, squash, and a few other things in our garden. We've also been stringing peas.

    My younger children have been busy building outdoor *playhouses*, and we all have a hard time coming inside when the weather is so beautiful. Blessings:)

  12. Farm Girl Cyn, How very sweet of you to respond to my first comment. I'm new to blogging, so I wasn't sure you'd see my response to the comment you left. Just wanted to let you know I appreciated it 'cause I know you must be really busy. Oh, we do LOVE having all the grass fed raw milk. We're always looking for creative ways in which to use it up! A good *problem* to have!!

  13. Came by this morning and was blessed with Keith of my earliest memories of being a babe in Christ! Thanks.

  14. This is my first visit to your blog and I'm really enjoying myself. :) Love the beautiful photos from around your homestead!

  15. I really love these! Especially the bolted door to the hen house and the dead flower. Very cool!
