Sunday, January 29, 2012

Here comes the's all right

I do believe we have found a place to call home.

It's not the prettiest house on the block.
Actually, it's not even a house, per se.
And there are only 3 houses on the block...
so it is definitely out in the boonies a bit.

A single wide with 3 bedrooms
(though one could barely qualify as it is teensy tiny)
2 full baths..
a laundry "room" of all...
sits on 1 acre...
with a clothesline...
pets are sorta welcome....
and we have free reign as far as putting a garden in.

And...ta da....

It is only 2 blocks down the road from one of my dearest friends, Angie, of Maple Valley Farms fame.

I all must be so jealous!

We will be VERY busy this week as we try to move in using only a large trailer and with pretty much no help as all friends and family are working during the week.

And....woot! woot!
I will be flying out to Montana in 9 days to see our daughter and her family which now includes our precious new grandson, Matthew Jay, born January 26th.

I am blessed.

In Christ alone,

PS...please continue to pray that Pete finds some steady work....we will still have to pay rent and utilities.


  1. Oh I am so Happy for you both! See on to a better road. This is good! Blessings to you both and brighter things to come!

  2. So Happy you found something!~and so envious of being that close to Matt and Ang and crew! I often think of you guys and hope things are looking better. Hope your husband is able to find something that fits for a job!

  3. Life can surely throw us some curve balls. I hope this newfound home will bring you the start of some wonderful memories in spite of the heartache and that you will find renewal in all things. The great thing about this life is that new beginnings are possible. I've had a few miracles in my life; starting over has been a long road, but has brought me untold joy in a new direction that I probably would NEVER have gone unless I had been forced. So, hang in there...yes...hanging in there is so important, at least until you feel you can stand on your feet again and look toward the sun. It will get better. I pray for your husband to find something fitting for his condition, etc.


  4. HOORAY!!! I'm glad that you found a place that you can call home!

  5. Even though this is NOT what you had, it is what you are BLESSED with at this time. Home is where your heart is, and God does work all things out. There are lessons to be learned, joys to be had, love to be shared, each and every day.

    May work come your DH's way on a regular basis.

    Love and hugs to both of you ~ FlowerLady

  6. Sounds like a great place for your nest. Happy Homecoming!

  7. Good for you, Cindy! Starting over is hard, and I've thought about you so many times over the past few weeks! I know you will make it into HOME in no time. God is good - a new grandbaby to bring you so much joy in the middle of all this trouble! You fix your house, you dig your garden, and work will come for your husband, too. God bless you and congratulations!

  8. I'm so pleased to hear this Cyn ~ & so close to Ang ~ I am completely jealous :)
    Hope the move goes well & you settle in quickly & get a lovely big garden planted soon.
    I'll continue to pray for your job situation
    Renata :)

  9. been keeping up with you and I'm so.
    so very happy for you!!!

  10. Hi Cindy!
    First of all
    C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S
    on that beautiful bundle of life and JOY and love!
    You will be soaking it all in for sure!
    I can only imagine a grandmother's JOY ~

    I also am thanking God for your newly found home. As I know how you are such an amazing homemaker and gardener... your new house will be a home!
    God bless you, Cindy!!
    thank you for the update and keep looking up towards His Light!!

  11. wonderful,lovely! your plate is so full of all important new home,new life, new beginning! prayers continue. we expect photos of the babe after the trip.

  12. Congrats Cindy on your new to you home. May Gods peace, rest and prosperity rest upon you and your husband as you start fresh in this season of your life. Will continue to pray for suitable and steady work for your husband. May God continue to make a way and richly bless your lives.

  13. So happy you found a place! Congragulations on the new grandson! Have fun seeing your daughter and new grandson. I will keep praying Pete finds work. Rebekah

  14. Yay! Praying for you...God has a plan! Enjoy snuggling up with that new grand-baby of yours. :) Can't wait to see pictures.

  15. We are so excited to have you up here! Xo cannot wait!

  16. daily bread ... no more ...
    His Word does not return void ...

    is one of those teensy bedrooms for guests?


  17. p.s.
    I see chickens in your 'sunny it's all right' future

  18. How lovely that the LORD is providing for you...and that you will have some land to play with. :)

    What a blessing it is to visit you shine for the LORD!

    In HIS Love,

  19. wonderful news; thank GOD! safe travels and God speed; keeping you in His care...always.

  20. Let the healing begin now. These may be tough times, but I pray they will be happier ones, Cyn.


  21. You girl, know I am praying. And you musta' keep me up to date on your Montana travels. Congrats to you both on the new addition.

  22. We lived in a single-wide for a few years...a very well used one at that. I made it into a very cozy place and have good memories of our time there. I have prayed for you and will continue to do so...

    A little bit of sunshine is showing in this post. :)

  23. So happy for you. One acre. That is huge!!! You can do so much there. And yaya for the garden and pets being welcome. Enjoy your family time and get all your baby loving in. That will make you feel so much better. Take care.

  24. God is so good!! Congratulations on your beautiful new grandson!! So happy you get to go visit them. That will be a much needed respite for you with family! I'm so thankful you have found a place to rent!! That is wonderful news!! Love and hugs!

  25. I'm so happy to hear your good news! You'll have it turned into a cozy home in no time, I'n sure.
    I will say a pray for steady work for your DH.
    Enjoy your time with your new g'baby!!

  26. I'm so happy for you guys! What a great feeling to have a place to call 'home' again!! Have a great trip to Montana. Can't wait to see pictures!

  27. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Your sweet, sweet spirit shines through again. Always looking for the great in things. Bless you, you and your family have been through soooo much this past year.


  28. Anonymous3:25 PM

    First of all that is my favorite Beetles song, and a great motto.

    I'm so glad to see things are working out sounds exciting. And I feel for what you are going through. My hubby has been out of work going on three months now.

    Enjoy your time with the new grandbaby.


  29. You will make it Home.......because that is where you are.

  30. Oh Cindy, I'm just rejoicing for you! I can't even imagine the heartache and just wonderment at your circumstances. Praise the Lord His love is eternal and He always provides. God Bless You Cindy!


  31. Cindy, I was looking for an email address, but couldn't seem to find one. I wanted to ask you if you might consider sharing a post on your experiences and living life in it's simplicity for Him. Not understanding His path but having faith in His will. I feel it would be an encouragement to many. Pray about it and let me know. Feel free to contact me at If it's too much, I completely understand. Sending you huge hugs!

  32. Dear Cyn~I just wandered over. It's been awhile. My heart just aches for you and Pete. But remember, the home we have here on earth is only temporary. We are on our way to our Eternal home.

    I loved your home and all the stories you have shared through the years, but trust in God's providence. He ALWAYS gives us what we need....not necessarily what we want.

    I can totally relate to your words about being content with what you have. I have tried, and tried. My heart is restless with my own desires and my own will. Every time it rises up, I offer it into the hands of Our Lord and ask Him to help me want what He wants for me. (There's a great book called Hinds Feet in High Places about this)

    You will be in my prayers. Please keep blogging. You may find it is a great outlet, but more importantly friends from across the nation are reachin out to you in me.

    Miss you. Made some rolls the other night and said a prayer for you. They were a big hit! :-)

    Hugs to you and Pete


  33. Hi Cindy.... This is Angelina .. I am now Blogging at Ruby Jean.. I just saw you over at the PFM blog and her mention that you will be contributing to her magazine... :) I am so excited for you and so happy to get connected with you again... I left a comment over there saying I was the Hockey Toot girl... LOL!! I think I said it wrong just like I did the first time... :) Blessings to you and yours...

  34. Hi Cindy,

    I found your blog thru Parisienne Farmgirl today, and I'm sitting here with tears streaming down my face, my heart aching for you, but also feeling very ashamed of myself that I've been griping to God instead of praying to Him these past few months, because I'm having such a hard time finding a job. I'm ashamed at my ingratitude for all that I do have.

    I am so sorry about all the troubles that you've been experiencing, but also very happy for you to have found much joy in the midst of it. I will pray for you and your husband that all will improve.

  35. Just stopping by to let you know I am thinking of you and praying for you today my friend.

    Isaiah 26:3-4

  36. debylynne1:50 PM

    i love you so, my friend!!!!

  37. I'm so excited that you have a new place :) :) :) How are you settling in? I LOVE that you have all that land that you can use for gardening etc. That will help offset the cost of living expenses as you get it going :) :) How is your new grandson doing? Have a great weekend. Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather :)
