Wednesday, April 11, 2012

My road...less travelled

I have been trying to keep myself busy around here...
Staying home a lot, what with gas prices being what they are.
Even going into town to the library isn't cheap....about $6 round trip.
I have had a lot of ideas swimming around my head..
How can I earn some extra money for us?
I have been making my soaps and laundry detergents for nearly 3 years now, but I wanted to expand.
Since the kitchen is my favorite room in the house, where I am most comfortable, my thoughts turned to specialty items.
Rubs, finishing salts, spice blends....
I hope you will like what you see!
They should all be on the Farm Fresh blog by the weekend.

 Fresh Green Beans

I could not help myself. 
I am tired of frozen beans from last summers bounty.
I wanted fresh.
Even though they likely came from far, far away.
California, maybe.
Or Florida.
Snapped and simply steamed with cultured butter and salt.
Oh, my.
Come quickly, dear friend, summer.

 Sourdough stecca with campari tomatoes, fermented garlic, and green olives.

My dear friend Ang, of Maple Valley Farm and I have a good thing going.
We both have cow shares from the same Amish farmer, but it is a 15 min. drive or so.
We planned on sharing the driving, so we would just be going every other Wednesday.
Right now Ang has church just down the road from the farm, so she has been able to do the pick-up every week!
In exchange, on the weeks she is doing MY milk run, I send her home with some fresh bread.
Last week I sent 3 loaves of stecca, but before she could even see them...they were gone.
Hungry kids/hubby.
It's all week...more stecca.
And Ang will be sure to get her fair share!

 Sweet Sophia napping on her napping pillow...
  Looks like she found a library book to rest her head on!

 Calendula Salve

20 jars ofcalendula salve ready to put on the Farm Fresh blog!
It should be fully operational by the weekend!
Calendula salve is sort of an all-purpose salve.
Perfect for babies bums, scrapes, chapped, dry skin, and owies of all sorts.

Savory Seed Sprinkle

This is a seed mixture I came up with recently.
Perfect on focaccia, roasts, steaks, or even soft cheese spreads.
It will be listed on Farm Fresh by the weekend also, along with the new rubs, finishing salts, and spice blends I mentioned earlier.

Sweet gift box from Kristen

Hearing my cry for seeds, Kristen from Sweet Country Life sent me this dear package a couple of weeks ago.
Seeds, gloves, and a jar of her homemade jam.
I tell you, there is nothing like getting a package in the mail.
Can't hardly wait to break ground here, even if it will be a much smaller garden than before.

 And...lest I forget, I am scheduled to teach several classes over at Maple Valley Farm
over the next few weeks. If your going to be in the area, give us a shout out...we'd be happy to see you!
(just click on the link at the top of the page)

In Christ alone,


  1. Your productivity at home is inspiring! I am so going to do that with my sourdough because that stecca looks amazing, no wonder Ang's family devoured them! I love that arrangement you have set up with Ang - what a blessing it must be to have her as your neighbour, not just for the exchange of such healthful products but for the friendship too. How wonderful that the Lord brought you closer together.

  2. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Seriously, is there anything you can’t do? I wish that I lived close to you. What a great mentor you would be for me.


  3. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Seriously, is there anything you can’t do? I wish that I lived close to you. What a great mentor you would be for me.


  4. I love all your ideas!! I agree with you, I can't wait till our garden is in full swing too. I used the last of the frozen tomatoes last week in a pasta sauce & I refuse to buy canned food.

    Hope you had a great Easter!


  5. Cindy~
    Here's the thing....
    Us country girls must stick together.
    We are like a sisterhood!
    And how I wish that I could live close enough to you to take some classes!
    The bread looks delightful!
    I can't wait to visit your shop and...about those beans.
    I bought a cucumber and radishes today.
    For crying out loud.
    I have them growing, but could not wait any longer for that crunchy fresh goodness!

    Love ya!

  6. I wish I could take your soap class as a refresher for myself, but we have a farm tour coming here at our own farm so I must be home for that. I'm looking forward to some of the other classes with you that I'm signed up for and getting to meet you in person!!! Hurray!!!

  7. Your Farm Fresh products look wonderful, your cooking, creating, all that you do is beautiful. Love you dear friend...

  8. Such a lovely, sunny post my friend! I agree...there is something very sweet about a package in the mail! Your friend Ang and you have a wonderful arrangement! Isn't the LORD Good?

    Blessings to you!

  9. Well, I feel lazy now. :)
    That sourdough stecca looks delicious!

  10. My soap order arrived the other day......and I must brag on you......I *love* it! Wonderful and simple. Just the way I like it.
    Thank you♥

  11. Cindy you are so busy and creative!!! I wish I could come to one of your classes. What fun that would be!! I'm going to check out ther other blog now. Hugs!!

  12. As I was hanging laundry on the line today, you and your husband were in my thoughts and in my prayers. Just wanted you to know.

  13. I'm green with envy over your cow share. YAY!

    I wants to see pics from your classes. If you remember I took lots of photos at a friend's classes. Might give you some ideas about what you'd like to photograph and put on your blog, maybe. These classes are fabulous and people ought to see what they are missing if they don't come. :o)
