Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Nourishing Love...

 Tea Time!

I have a neighborhood herbalist friend who gave me her recipe for a nourishing infusion, which I dinked around with just a teensy bit.
Lisa either grows her own plants for this tea, or harvests them locally.
This I know, cause I was with her on a nature walk over a year ago where she taught all about stinging nettle while harvesting for her teas, etc.

An infusion is really meant to be steeped overnight.
But today I was hankerin' for a bit of health and wellness, so just made up a small pot to drink right here and now.

This particular infusion is made up of oatstraw,  red clover, and nettle.
I add a bit of chamomile as I like it that way!

Honey in the raw

I found this large jar of raw, local honey last year at the Trufant flea market for only $5.
I love it...
raw, earthy, gritty...
perfect for my needs.

Just the teensiest bit is all I want.

Loving Jesus.
Loving people.



  1. Love a good cup of tea too!

  2. I'm knocking at your door...do you hear me? :) It all sounds/looks so welcoming and cosy my friend!

    Love to you!

  3. hmmmm, I'm not a tea expert, but it sounds wonderful! Especially today - very chilly, wet, misty, cloudy. A cuppa hot tea with honey would be great!

  4. Sounds delicious! Hot tea is a treat this time of year.

  5. Relax and sit back, while enjoying a cup of tea. That's how I drink tea.

  6. Anonymous10:39 PM

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  7. I love your teapots! And the mug... As to the tea... Maybe. I drink a lot of green tea, I may try this one - in the spring.

  8. Cyn..Thanks for popping in on my blogsite and Yes I did change the background to a fresh Spring look...tired of Winter...
    Thought it would be cheery..Thank you I love it too...

    1. I Love tea in the afternoon..
      ICED AND HOT....must try this one.

  9. Cyn, I'm such a lazy bones, I buy my tea either loose or in bags but I don't make it. This week got by me...some physical problems, lost my check book, found my check book... I haven't forgotten.
    You're a Jesus Woman, a woman after...running after...God's own heart. Thank you for being a blessing in my life.

  10. I can't get enough of raw honey. It is so different from even natural honey you find in the store. I ran out, and I need to get some more. Your tea choice sounds interesting. I have always wondered how nettle doesn't sting your throat. What is the benefit? Interesting!!!

  11. Anonymous6:59 PM

    I love tea, herbal or otherwise... I absolutely LOVE that tin teapot cover, where ever did you get that?? Please email me!

  12. Sounds delicious! Want to try it ... need to make a trip to the big city market. We don't have the access out here on the prairie ;-)

  13. Anonymous10:13 PM

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