Wednesday, January 01, 2014


It has been months since I have actually posted here, and for that I am sad.

Real life seems to have gotten in the way of much that I try to do these days.

And, quite frankly, there has not been a whole lot of newsy-news that y'all would find interesting!

One thing I have been doing is continuing my weight loss journey with Trim, Healthy Mama.

 December 2012

I started my journey July 22, 2013

December 2013

I still have about 10# or so to get to my goal weight, but it will come off much more slowly now.
Lest you think that is too much to lose, remember…
I am only 5' tall!

And my real reason for posting today, the first day of 2014, is to share my "word".

I have never been one to get a "word for the year" from the Lord…
until 2011 when everything had fallen apart in my own little world.
That year I knew that I knew that my "word" was 
I needed to learn to be content in whatever circumstances I found myself in.
I think I am still working on that!

Then last year, my "word" was
Or, as I like to say…
"fear less"
Cause I was so full of fear that I pretty much figured the Lord meant to leave a space between the two words and not expect me to totally become "fearless"!

And now fast forward to last week.
I was not really seeking a word, per se.
The word just kind of found me…


This word has many shades of meaning for me.

First, and foremost, I have been given the gift of eternal life.
He is reminding me that I need to re-gift His gift.
Sharing the full gospel of repentance and faith towards God needs to become a priority.
I have been given MUCH, and I need to share that so others can also receive His gift.
As an "older" woman, I need to be able to teach the younger.
A huge responsibility, for now there are many friends and co-workers who are far younger than me!

Another aspect of my word would be sharing the knowledge I have gained the past few months through my weight loss.
I have several friends and family members who have joined me and are beginning to see results, but need some additional help and encouragement as they move towards a healthier way of eating.

The authors of the Trim, Healthy Mama book have asked me to mentor a new facebook page for older women who have started this plan, and that is already in the works to launch in the next few weeks.
I especially love working with older women as so many have given up on ever becoming trim and healthy and then they see someone who is getting results, even at 60 years of age, and it is SO encouraging to them!

We are the light of the world…
And I want to let my light shine as never before in 2014.


For God so loved the world that He gave….

Loving Jesus, 
Loving people,


PS….Just because I have been scarce here on my own little corner of the blogging world, does not mean I have not been peeking in on some of my best friends! I love seeing your blog updates, and will continue to pop in here and there as time allows.
May your new year be filled with the love of the Saviour.


  1. Great post and Cindy great new look. Congrats on your weight loss.

    I like your word too and may you continue to be a light of God in all that you do.

    Have a wonderful 2014.


  2. Hi Cyn
    WOW ~ you look amazing! I have a few extra kgs I need to re-loose ( I had lost, but they've crept on again in the last few months). I'm contemplating getting THM.
    I love your word for the year!
    May God use you this year to do His Work!

  3. excellent job and have been wondering how you're doing. in fact, as I sat down at the computer this morning, I'd resolved to send you a hand written note. am so glad to see you looking so fabulous; happy new year, praying for continued blessings from God's great heart.

  4. Sweet is wonderful to *see* you here!! You aren't going to leave us for so long this time....are you?? :) No pressure! I *get* the need for a break now and then. I think you have done fabulously well with THM! Well done!! I got their book and have enjoyed results as's effortless isn't it? You look amazing! How fun that you are going to be a mentor on FB for the cause...yippee!! Happy New Year to you. Love, Camille

  5. Great to hear from you again! And I'm so happy that you are feeling and looking good. Many congratulations! Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and continued blessings :)

  6. You my friend are glowing! Doing something we resist is ALWAYS easier for me with a "partner" or someone to be accountable to and to count on to keep you moving in the right direction when it gets hard. I commend you for your hard work, it's certainly paid off I suspect in all areas of your life, and for your mentoring to others. Your sharing of "the word" is always a blessing. For the first time I chose a "word" too...Forward. You can read about it on my 12/31 and my 1/1/2014 blog. Be sure and inform us/me when you get the page up and running. Blessings to you and yours this year and always. R

  7. Cindy, you look fantastic!!! I look forward to your posts in 2014...may it be a wonderful year for you and yours...Happy New Year, Julie.

  8. Ive been following your journey friend …
    and you amaze me!!!!! … on my birthday note, you wrote, "I'm here for you they thick and thin" …
    little did we know!!!

    carry on!

  9. You go girl~ absolutely wonderful!

    I am so happy for you.

    Happy New Year and it is so good to hear from you!

  10. Happy New Year and it looks like a happy new you too. You look amazing .. the trim, healthy mama for sure. Well done. I have had the same dilemma with blogging .. real life gets in the way but that's a good thing I think. We were designed to live real lives by the Lord! And I haven't forgotten the real people behind the blogs I connected with along the way.... the lovely ladies like yourself I have never met but keep on encouraging me as they seek the Lord and then they re-gift themselves in the blogging community! So thank you for re-gifting yourself Cindy. I will endeavour to do likewise this year.

  11. You look terrific! Good word choice too. I have much weight to lose and it is coming off excruciating slow. At the rate I'm going, it will be years, LOL.

  12. Love your word and the reasoning behind it!!!
    You look amazing.
    You go, girl!

  13. Cyn, you look wonderful! Good for you! I have been on the Eat To Live program with not much results...also working out like crazy....@55 my body is not very happy with this program so when I can buy the book Ill give THM a try. Happy to see you are happy and in a good place in life! Blessings!

  14. I'm so very happy for you!

  15. Wow! that is amazing! Great job. I love your Regift thoughts as well. Thank you for being that older woman who is teaching younger women to be godly

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. Anonymous7:28 AM

    pretty nice blog, following :)

  18. cindy you are looking gorgeous...
    Led Lures Australia

  19. Hope you are doing well my friend!


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