Saturday, September 24, 2005


Has anyone heard the phrase that "homeschool kids are deprived of socialization?" Well, certainly not in our homeschool family! This is Ave's 4th year cheerleading for the local homeschool football team, the "Patriots". Her older brother played football for them for 3 years. Their dad was assistant coach, then head coach of said team for 2 of those years. Mom, (that's me!) was there for most practices and most games for most of the first 3 years. And the kids have made lifelong friendships with many of the families involved the this sport! The things that the kids don't have to deal with are foul mouthed team mates and overly aggressive (read: mean, bullies) coaches. Homeschooling is a lot of hard work, but I wouldn't trade the time I've had with my kids for anything. We have been through a lot together... the lingering sickness and death of their grandmother, (my mom), the tragic, and untimely death of their aunt Elena, (my sister), and many family disruptions too numerous to mention. Would it have been "easier" to go thru these things with my children tucked away in their public school classrooms? No doubt. But what "real life" they would have missed. And that, my friends, is why it has been worth every moment. (well, that is an exaggeration....not EVERY moment!!! I am only human!!!)

Farmgirl Cyn
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