Saturday, April 29, 2006


I must confess, that although this is one on my favorite breakfasts, it is one that I only indulge in every couple weeks or so. (one has to keep one's girlish figure, and one does NOT do it by eating the above!) However, while visiting over at Homemakerang's farm yesterday, I was blessed with a dozen, VERY fresh, eggs. By very fresh, I mean, just barely out from under the hen's you know what. Homemakerang wasn't altogether certain that I wasn't just taking them out of courtesy, but I assured her they would definitely get eaten. Well, once you crack these guys, you can see immediately one of the reasons Farmgirl wants her OWN little flock of hens! The yolk is plump, full, huge. And when you break it open with a piece of whole wheat english muffin... see below
THIS is what you get! The yolk had a hard time oozing out from beneath it's white exterior! It was a thing of beauty. The taste was fabulous. Thick, creamy, intense yolk flavor. THIS is what Farmgirl is longing for. Unfortunately, ALL of Homemakerang's gift was eaten in one day! Pancakes were made, egg mcmuffins were created and consumed, and Farmgirl was left with an empty egg carton. (I think another visit to Homemakerang's is in order, real soon!)
Thanks Ang! (and thanks to Buddy, who takes such good care of Homemakerang's hens!)
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1 comment:

savvycityfarmer said...

Can you PLEASE bring some of those eggs with ya?