Saturday, April 22, 2006


What, you may be asking yourself, does Farmgirl Cyn DO when she is all hot and sweaty from working in the garden, or helping shove a roof onto her "work-in-progress" henhouse? Well, this Farmgirl takes a little wine spritzer break, that's what!! This is definitely NOT the drink of choice for wine snobs, but it fills the bill for THIS Farmgirl! Just a splash of whatever red wine Farmgirl has on hand, mixed with some sparkling mineral water, a chunk of lime squeezed in, and VOILA! A drink to soothe the weary bones of Farmgirl, with just enough wine to act as a pick-me-up, giving me a boost of creativity and energy to work just a wee bit more in the perennial beds or the vegetable garden! Cheers!
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1 comment:

savvycityfarmer said...

Found my way to the keyboard.
What fun, this bloging venue.
Monday should e fun.
All new pictures.
Refreshing-that wine spritzer