Tuesday, May 30, 2006

holiday yardwork

Here is Cyn at the beginning of the workday. Not looking her very best, as one does not have to look one's best as one is preparing for a hard day of yardwork...which Cyn was

This is one of my more unusual roses, chosen for it's name, as well as it's beautiful pink flowers. Her name is Sharifa Asma...isn't that cool??? She won't be blooming for a couple more weeks.

Wave petunias, planted on my rock wall in the back yard. By the end of the summer, that wall will be one great big petunia forest!

Iris, pilfered from my mom's garden...ssshhh

By the end of the day, I was exhausted. My white, wicker rocker was the only place I wanted to be! Ave caught me just about ready to doze off.
Pin It!


savvycityfarmer said...

Soon and very soon that will be you and me on those wicka wockers.
Everything on the farm garden looks so lush and cared for!!!!

Celebrating with A. and J. today...A's #1

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