Monday, June 19, 2006


My cousin Leanne got married this weekend. Here she is with her new hubby.

Here is Pete, my stepdad, and myself, enjoying the reception.

My Aunt Carol and me...she looks so much like my mom!

Cousin Sheri and her boyfriend, Mark.

We DO love a wedding! And with MY family, there is always a Polka involved! Pete is only good for one dance an evening lately, so my choice is always the polka!
LOVE those Polish weddings!
Pin It!


savvycityfarmer said...

I can just see you doing the polka!!!

It's so fun getting dressed up.
I may have to borrow that "little black dress" for the Wilke wedding.

Kickin' in the South Beach again.

Homemaker's Heart said...

Howdy!! Missed you and wanted to see what your up to. You look so beautiful. I hope you are doing well.
