I am sick (and tired) of standing on my front porch, waiting for birds to land on my feeders so I can get a decent photo of them!
I have Red headed Peckers, Juncos, Goldfinch, House Finch, Common Sparrows, and my Black Capped Chickadees are back! Also I have spotted a Tufted Titmouse, which I have NEVER seen here! Do you think I can get a picture of them??? So far, the only ones to sit at the feeder long enough to get their pictures taken are the sparrows, and an occasional Goldfinch! Those dang chickadees are so fast...makes my head spin!!
baby, cold is right...ran errands all day , then a major perk, cut and color, just in time to "feel"
one's best at Christmas...I have a new girl that is second only to G. when it comes to a great cut...going a little longer for winter and the sake of DH.. time...partying tonight at the Martini Grill, doubt if I'll do the vodka thing...no, I know for sure I won't...behing my ears is spritzed Bvlgari..Notte....mmmmmmmm spicy, with a hint of vodka and chocolate...now there's some vodka worth having...
missing you chickiboom!!!!
Oh, ooops...nice hat!!
Start a trend!
Albie Darn is so cute! He even looks Christmasy...I was thinking you might could put a little wreath around his neck and snap a picture :)
That would be cute, Shabby, IF HE WOULD LET ME GET THAT CLOSE!!!
Cute new pictures..that Albie Darn..he is awfully photogenic, isn't he???? And that hat..pretty cute Cyn!!
I need some tech support...can anybody tell me how to put the blogs I read down the side like you have them??? I feel guilty!
I've given up trying to get photos of the birds that visit my feeders. We have all the same ones you do, but I've never seen a Tufted Timouse, darn.
We have lots of Northern Cardinals, a few Nuthatches and one morning we found a flock of Cedar Waxwings hanging around.
It certainly looks cold out there!! Love the hat! :)
The little lone birdy is still a pretty picture :) The roosters sure stand out in the snow and I like you in the hat LOL
I'm cold right now sitting here at my computer sending you a message.
I like your hat...do you have hats for the hens and rooster?
what a beautiful blog you have here... thanks for your sweet comment on my blog
Amazing bird photos. Wow, its cold there! Love you in the hat.
Baby, that's cold! Love the hat! You would fit right in in Moscow! hehe. Merry merry!
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