I have been missing the past few days, due to some very unfortunate events. My stepdad, pictured here with Farmboy and myself, has been very ill the past couple years, but has been able to live at home by himself because we only live a couple miles from him. Farmboy has been over there 2 & 3 times a day, helping him to get dressed, picking him up off the toilet, cleaning up his "accidents", and taking him out for rides. He has also been falling a lot, and we are the 1st ones called by ADT, to come pick him up. His falls have never been serious enough to warrant a trip to the hospital until Tuesday when he cracked his head open and broke a couple vertebrae. That fall has escalated the other problems he has been having and he is now in a short term nursing home with physical therapy capabilities. He will likely never return home. On top of all of this, there has been some very disturbing news concerning who he has put in charge of all his medical and financial decisions. We are praying that the Lord will reveal all of this and somehow get these people out of the picture. If you are praying folk', we sure would appreciate you standing in agreement with us. Meanwhile, I'll be back as often as I can, which will be much easier now that he has been placed in the care of others.
I sure have been missing my blogging family!
I sure have been missing my blogging family!
I will sure keep your family in my prayers!!!
. . cyn, you can be sure of me standing beside you.
To my dearest friend Cyn...I don't know H. very well...but what I do know is that whether or not it's comfortable for the two of you, you have this way of taking care of others...why if I told you I needed a place to stay...I already know what the answer would be...may I suggest to just let go and let
God's Word remain true...."the peace of God will guard your heart and your mind...His ways are not our ways....I know the plans I have for you"...we all in our own flesh want to solve every thing...but what is loosed in heaven will be loosed on earth and what is bound will be bound...hunker down and now be able to focus on caring for one another (you and FB)...you can call anytime and we stand with you and along side of you...being to you what God calls us to be...
I am so sorry to hear your bad news. Your poor hub and you. It is so hard as we age and our loved ones are at "that" age.
I send my prayers for your sdad and to your family as well and hope you get the "paperwork" sorted. My mom had a minor fall this week, nothing hurt, but it sure did scare me to death. Keep us updated when you can, friend. hugs.
I'm so sorry, Cyn. These times are tough, but that's what family is for.
It looks like you've got some online support. Add mine to that.
On the plus side, you look great in the photo.
Oh dear... you will be in our prayers. Take care!
Oh Cyn, i'm so sorry to hear this news. I am in agreement with you in your prayers. I'm dealing with stuff regarding my mother also...I'm standing with you!!! God bless you dear Cyn..
Prayer going up for you now... MOST Holy Spirit give discernment to Cyn and Lord Jesus lift her up on your shoulders and guide her steps in this trial and give her and her family strength and peace. In Jesus NAME AMEN. I stand with you my friend. You are not alone in this and you are loved.
They call us the "sandwhich generation",and it is pretty clear you are feeling the stress of being parents to your own children and to your parent. May God continue to give you the strength and joy that is needed for the job He has called you to.
My thoughts and prayers are with you all.
i am sorry to hear all this! wow! lots going on, so sorry! hope the other stuff is goin better??? praying! homemakerang from remote location
I sure hope everything gets better for you real soon!
Thinking of you and your family, hoping for the very best.
Ooo I'm sorry. It is awful when you feel helpless and you guys would have been the better choice makers/caretakers of it all. I'll pray about it!
Hi Cyn, I'm sorry to hear of your unfortunate events. I will be praying for you and for God's Will to be revealed. Sometimes things evolved into the way they do whether we want them to or not, but eventually we can look back and see we serve an awesome God and He has it all in His hands. God Bless Cyn and please keep us posted.
It's a difficult time. Your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.
Cyn...I'll keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. I know this is a difficult time. Trust in Him.
I'm so sorry to hear about this on top of everything else you've had going on. My thoughts and prayers are with you and yours!
Cyn, I just wanted you to know that even though you have no time to post, I'm still praying for you.
Hugs . .
I'm very sorry to hear this bad news about your stpdad.
My thoughts are with you and your family.
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