THIS.... is what I have to do in order to protect the baby lettuce and cilantro seeds from being scratched and pecked at! I sowed seed this afternoon, and before I could let the hens out for their afternoon foray, I had to scrounge up some leftover chicken wire and fi-nagle it over and around the newly planted bed!

My trusty watering can, filled with some organic concoction from last years Fulton St. Farmers Mkt...somewhat guaranteed to produce healthier, tastier, better-for-you, produce. I'm for anything that comes with a promise.

THIS is the expected results of todays labor. Cilantro for that extra-special touch to my homemade salsa. And Salad Bowl lettuce lettuce, picked while young and tender. yum...

And at the end of a long day of gardening?
A bowl of popcorn, a Country Gardens magazine, and a dirty martini.
Deckside, of course!
You have been a busy girl!! You need a drink after all that work!
Oh, I can just see you and feel the ambience and the evening noises (ducks, cardinals, and the natural surrroundings of your "deckside"
After the plants get bigger can you let the chickens back in to keep the slugs out?
I was out cutting chives the other night after dark and couldn't believe all of the little slugs on the stems.
I suppose that means I have a healthy garden.
I know it means I'm careful about picking and eating in the dark.
Popcorn and a dirty martini - I love it!!!
Looks perfect!
you know its spring when you have to coral the chickens. Crazy things.
funny things is as I was reading the post, I already wondered how you would end it. With a treat of course. How fun.
Nothing better than fresh lettuce!
DIRTY DIRTY! ummmmmmmmm! I'm over here now..just wanted you to know:)
everything looks like warmer days here! AWESOME
I adore you!!!! What a great start to the season! xxxooo ps what is a dirty martini?
Fresh cilantro! Oh the possibilities!
My chickens are also having a heyday scratching up my gardens. Luckily nothing is planted yet as it's a bit early for us.
Take care,
You are my kind of gal! Nothing ends a hard work day like a good drink outside.
I look forward to seeing the end fruits of your labor!
Love the end of a busy day spent on the deck!
I've never had a dirty martini though...
You will not labor in vain.
Hi Cyn~
i left a comment for you over at lovella's blog today, Tueday.
But it's not a food blog...
Isn't it crazy what we do to keep chickens? And yes, mine are inside at night. The racoon just scaled the fence and lifted then netting.
Good luck with your plantings!
Hi Cindy, farm life is the best, is it not? I love it.
You have a very homey blog..first time I visited...
side note- thank you for the Tommy Hicks info...I checked it out and found it very exciting!! I know we are in the end times and I have believed for a long time that the 'organized church' is not the bride!!
May Jesus come soon! - but we need our loved ones saved first, don't we??
April showers bring May flowers...bring it!
kinda early here for a martini, but it still looks good!
What pretty pictures! I love how you embrace your days...inspiring! Have a lovely weekend Cyn..
Blessings to you and yours..
I would really like to do some gardening but don't have the ground to do it in. I've thought about trying to grow some herbs inside...any advice?
Oh, I have been out in the yard working all day and wish that the treats you have laid out were waiting for me too!! Yum.
Fresh cilantro is also sooo yummy in salads! Nothing like getting to plant and water things. Love your blog.
Great pics! Love the watering can shot.
My chickens haven't bothered my garden yet...probably because I've not gotten around to planting anything, lol!
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