One of the best things about having a big (5 children) family is there is always one of 'em around! This past sunday we had everyone except my son-in-law over for beef on the grill and a bit of outdoor fun.
Here is my 6 yo grandson, Austin. The only grandchild so far, so he's pretty much on his own when he comes to visit, unless his uncle Sam hangs with him.

The happy couple!
Our oldest daughter Giselle, and her fiance, John.
Wedding date set for: July 21, 2007
Note the drink in John's hand. John does not really "drink" per se...however...
when in Rome do as the Romans do! And he always takes one of whatever we happen to be concocting that day.
Sunday was Margueritas!!!
Love this post! I'll take a Margarita! anytime anyplace! Congratulations to your Giselle:) and horseshoes! I have not played those in so long!
Great pictures!! It's always nice when a future family member fits right in! I'd love to play horseshoes. Haven't done that in ages!
What a lovely Sunday!
i use to know how to throw horsehoes...
Now I'm learning boules - as you say 'When in Rome...'
I'd rather drink Margarita', though. Here in French farm country we women are expected to drink orange juice while 'the men' drink wine and pastis. I pretend I don't know any better....stupid Americaine...
Mom...it's spelled "Jon" not John! Short for Jonathan! :) Don't worry, I love you anyway!
What fun to plan a wedding. Congratulations to your Giselle and Jon.
Family Sundays are the best, I would agree. Nothing better than hanging out with those you love the most.
So whatchya doin this Sunday?
Being a working girl...gotta love a few Sundays of peace and quiet after a long week....
You cozy family is growing nicely
I came from a family of five and it is one reason why I am tempted to have one more kid to make it four. I love the craziness that happens when we are all together now as adults!
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