Friday, May 25, 2007

Gas from the western suburbs of Grand Rapids, Michigan, to the burbs of Chicago and back again: $112.00
$$$$$ spent at Trader Joe's for incredible, organic stuff we can't get here: $197.17
$$$$$ spent at various farmers markets, tag sales, and going out of business sales: $400.00
$$$$ spent by City Farmer and darlin' Don to wine and dine us for 3 days: guess-timated at approximately $100.00

Time spent with your best friends:


mastercard ain't got nothin' on us!!!

Cyn with Joy's grandbaby Aidan and Joy

Out in the "shed" with Don, Joy, and Farmboy

Darlin' don and Joy

Farmboy, enjoying a brewski in the shed...much needed after several rounds of darts

Sweetie pie, Aidan Lloyd
Pin It!


savvycityfarmer said...

Priceless is the word of the day...I be needin to lose a few #......three to be exact since you left....thank you for everything....guestimated cost guestimated at about ?@#$%^%$$#@@^&*?#@$!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love you

Mindy said...

Thrilled to see pictures of your trip to the Burbs! By the looks of it all...a great time was had by all!
Blessings to you and yours!!

kansasrose said...

THAT'S what I'm talkin' bout!!!! Looks like good good times with friends here...yes priceless! LOVE you both! ( and what handsome honeys you both have!) xxxooo kr

kansasrose said...

That little Aidan will grow up to be a heartbreaker! Adorable! :) smiling! YOU both are gorgeous women by the way!!!!

Katie Zeller said...

Sounds like a wonderful holiday!
I finally saw a Trader Joe's - now I understand all the buzz!

Aunt Jenny said...

Loved seeing the pictures..looks like you all had a great time!
Boy I miss being near a Trader Joes!!

Rachel said...

What a wonderful visit!! Loved all the great pictures! Now you'll have to do it again, soon!!

ShabbyInTheCity said...

Awww look at you guys! What fun :)

Anonymous said...

PRICELESS INDEED! ahhh so that's what it's called BLOGGER BUTT??? oh no and it spreads? Eeeeeeeew! LOL! great photos!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you crazy kids had a blast! And I can only imagine all the tag sales, yard sales, and other simply divine moments you must have shared!

Anonymous said...

Priceless is right... friends are grand!

Rosa said...

It usually happens in the kitchen, but I kinda like the "shed" route! What fun!