These, my friends, are what I lovingly refer to as my "chicken shoes". They sit by the front door, ready for a quick trip to the coop, garden, or car. They are laced and tied loose enough to slip on without having to bend over and fuss. Our Golden Retriever, Beau, who is, as his name implies, a retriever, loves to take one of my chicken shoes and walk around with it. He does not chew said shoe...just likes to have it in his mouth for a few minutes, then finds a spot to lay (lie???) down with shoe next to his face.
These, and my garden gloves, are an indispensible part of my spring/summer/autumn wardrobe.
What can't YOU go without this summer?
I have 2 pairs of garden shoes for summer - the scruffy lace up pair for serious work and the rubber sandals for quick runs on damp mornings with the girl dogs. My garden is a 3 minutes walk from the house. Then there's the garden/exercise shorts, tank tops, hats...actually, I look pretty scruffy all summer. What a change from stockings and heels!
What can't I go without? A new scent. I treated myself this weekend to a bottle of Sunset Heat from Escada. It reminds me of a rosemary-scented body splash I had about 8 years ago and wore for three summers straight. It was long-lasting but light.
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