CSA: Community Supported Agriculture
Yesterday began the first of many Tuesdays to come where I travel just a few miles down the road to Trillium Haven Farm for my weekly organic fix.
My bounty this 1st week included: 2 heads lettuce (my choice of 4 varieties), 1 bunch bok choy, 1 bunch scallions, 1 # mixed baby greens (have you ever seen a whole pound of those babies?? It nearly filled a plastic grocery bag!), 1 # spinach, and as much sorrel as I could use. The sorrel is u-pick, so I just got perhaps 1/16 of a #. It is my new favorite herb/veggie, as of last summer when Anja, from Trillium, introduced me to it. Sharp and lemony, I use it in place of lettuce on a toasted, sliced tomato sandwich. Makes my mouth water just thinkin' about it!
The baby lettuce and the spinach are all triple washed, so I just had to come home, give it a few spins in my salad spinner (new, still in the box, at a tag sale last year for $4), and re-bag it. Anja says it should last a week like this. Problem: I think it will be gone long before a week is up!
All that beautiful green!
I'm between lettuces right now. We've eaten all the 'sets' I planted in April and it will be another week before we'll be eating the 'thinnings' from the new planting...
Great to have an organic farmer so close by.
What a great thing!! I can't wait for our fruit stands to open!! Nothing is better then fresh fruits and veggi's!!
Oh I just love sorrel soup.
...a smoked ham hock, a few spices, some fresh carrots, toss in a bunch of sorrel and serve it with hard boiled eggs crumbled into the soup. Oh it sounds yicky but it's just delicious.
lets sing it together now, "God bless the CSA" you know that tune!
Rememberin' back to my Mom's garden where she has 4 or 5 different hybrids of lettuce.......wish I could share a salad with ya right about now!
I am so jealous! This area of Texas is not known for having good produce. I'm trying to learn the soil here and grow something but so far this is my fifth year and every year I just kill my plants a little further along:)
Mmmm...fresh and local! Doesn't get any better...
It sounds and looks wonderful!! I can hardly wait for my garden to begin producing...just gettting started now..we have a short growing season. I especially can't wait for that first cutting of mesclun and early girl tomatoes!!
Lucky you...I wish we had local stuff to get!
I love sorel too..I used to grow it and havn't for awhile..hmmmmm
I'll bring the big fat juicy burgers to go with your haul okay. Cyn?
Sounds absolutely wonderful, and that tomato sandwich you mentioned with sorrel on it just makes my mouth water!!
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