Saturday, August 25, 2007

BFF part 4 (THE FUN!!)

Cyn and Farmboy "trying" to dance.
Trust me: Cyn is 5' on a good day.
Farmboy is 6'2".
Do the math.

Joy and Don have had years of country dancin' under their belts, so they can definitely show us a thing or two!

The beer, the wine, the Limoncello, the nuts.
(in the container, NOT the boys!!!)

Joy and Cyn spent the entire day that Saturday in the pool.
Occasionally the boys would join us, and splash up a storm.
(Do they EVER grow up when it comes to stuff like that???)

We truly had the time of our lives, and can't wait till we meet again!
Pin It!


Katie Zeller said...

What a wonderful time you must have had!
Love the pics!

Unknown said...

What agood looking couple you and FarmBoy are, despite the height difference.