Nah...I"M not 40!
Just been married that long!
Pete and I were sorta high school sweethearts.
I met him when I was 16 and just going into my junior year.
He had just graduated that June and was off to the local community college.
We got married the September after I graduated, and our 1st born, Giselle, was born 18 months later.
Gina, our 2nd, was born 2 1/2 years later.
Quite honestly, we were a train wreck.
A divorce waiting to happen.
Stupid, selfish, immature, and ungodly.
Pretty much says it all.
Long story short...
I got saved, born again, in February of 1978.
The conviction of the Holy Spirit was SO real.
Pete followed shortly thereafter, in May that same year.
There was no turning back.
Forever changed.
I ALWAYS testify that the ONLY reason we are still married is His mercy and grace.
I can still hardly believe He saved a wretch like me.
The worst of all sinners.
For truly, I once was lost, but now I'm found.
I was blind, but now I see.
After we got saved we had 3 more children.
Krystal, now 28.
Sam, now 21.
Avery, now 18.

Ignore the silly dates in the corners of some of these....
I didn't know how to change the date thingy on my digital camera!

Oh, if only I knew way back then what I know now.
What I would do differently.
Love more.
Laugh more.
Worry less.
Fear not.
Discipline differently.
Repent more often.
Say "I'm sorry", and mean it.
Love more.
Oh, yeah...I already said that one.
Bears repeating.
But...you know what?
His grace is sufficient and His mercy is everlasting.
I love you, Farmboy.
And I'd do it all over again.
In Christ alone,
PS...And, lest you think everything is hunky dunky after 40 years, let me assure you, it is not!
And we put our trust in Him.
Happy Anniversary! Congratulations! Your pictures were beautiful! :)
Happy anniversary and thanks for sharing the pictures... What FUN!! I so love to learn from others that are farther along on the journey than I am. Thank you for sharing! We have been married 14 years.... Mostly good, but by God's grace! I pray I can be even more of the wife God wants me to be... sometimes I feel I have so much to learn!
I always enjoy your virtual anniversary tour ...!!!!
yep, you pretty much covered it all ...
God has to be the c.e.n.t.e.r.
hunky dunky is something you don't hear every day
I lift my glass
updated picture please
aren't you a brunette now?
Happy Anniversary, my Farmgirl friend!
Your story sounds so very much like my own. You've been married a little longer and have a few more children but Amen to the rest of your story! It takes three to make a marriage!
Be Blessed!
Happy, happy 39th anniversary. It is wonderful to see love still growing after all the years together. Every day is another chance to choose to love.
I am thankful for your testimony of God's love working in and through your life. He does work all things out.
Happy living and loving.
CONGRATULATIONS..Cindy..on your Anniversary Gift from the Lord...in Him giving you 39yrs to give Him Glory and Praise for...He is most deffinately the Glue in all marriages....You two are most adorable...and look very much in LOVE...
Enjoy Your Day..
In Christ
Awww..sweet post! Happy Anniversary!
congratulations!! y'all are such a cute couple. :)
what a cute couple! May God bless you with many more years of happiess
Well Praise God, happy anniversary, as you know we just celebrated our 50th, and like you we were A divorce waiting to happen. Stupid, selfish, immature, and ungodly.Pretty much says it all. Yep us too, then we got saved, oh my how Jesus made the difference, thank you Jesus, he takes whats wrong and makes it right, and keeps it on track, thank lord, and Bless you and your honey too. Love ya Barbara
You really are a sweetie Cindy! The LORD shines through in your story-telling, and I read your story. You are a precious example of the LORD and HIS grace! Congratulations on 39 years! May the LORD give you many more and use you for HIS glory through them all!
BTW...I think you were a lovely bride...very pretty. :)
In His Love,
P.S. You are in our prayers...
Happy Anniversary. You two are an inspiration.
Happy Happy Anniversary Cindy~
You and your FarmBoy are such a beautiful testimony of a God-centered marriage ♥
With a "Holy Surrender" to God ~ the coming together is sweet and so much easier ~ the bond is so much stronger ♥
God Bless you with many many years to come ~ always and forever ~
*Happy Celebrating*
Congratulations!!! You two are the cutest couple!!
You two look quite dashing on that cruise photo. :o)
I do the same thing. Take digital photos of some pictures I run across, so I can store them in another format. However, I have over 20 thousand digital photos not printed up.... I'm scared!
What a beautiful post! And thank you for spreading inspiration!
A beautiful testimony!! Happy Anniversary :)
Congradulations!!! You've seven years on us. It truly takes three to make a marriage work. You are a testiment to that fact.
Congratulations on 39 years! I loved the pictures!
WOWIE! Congradulations to you both! Very inspiring and LOVE the pictures, thanks for sharing.
Blessings to you both on your VERY Special day,
Thanks for stopping by my blog Cyn!! I had plans to move in 2 weeks and am now have some health challenges so have to delay until things get straightened around.
The Lords Richest Blessings as you celebrate His abiding Grace of 39 years.
In another few weeks we catch up. Isn't retrospect amazing? Isn't knowing that the future is open amazing? Congratulations!
Congratulations... what a sweet and touching tribute you've written. I wish you many more blessed years together:-)
Happy Anniversary to the both of you! What a wonderful love story you two share. May you be blessed with many, many more anniversaries. Come say hi. :)
Happy Anniversary to you Cyn, Oh how I enjoyed this trip down memory lane with you. I especially was moved by your list of what you would do if you knew then what you know now. I can't tell you how many times I have said that, and my list would be like yours.
I think it is only by God's grace that we have made it too, no one has the perfect marriage, life, children,etc.
And I would do it all over again too. May you have many more blessed years with your farm boy, You both were a beautiful couple then and are even more so now.
So totally awesome! Happy Anniversary! Loved the pictures!!
I love this post, Happy Anniversary~ and many, many more!
Amen sister! YOu go girl. What a great testimony to Christ. My man and I married unsaved and got saved years later...we are so thankful! Coming on 19 and will try to post an old photo to now that we are getting back in the groove around here.
Take care.
Oh Wow! So happy to have found you on such a great personal date! 39 years! You beat my hubby and me by 8 years! And you are absolutely right...it's all God!
Please stop by my history blog - it's about one of the greatest Christians ever - St. Nicholas!
Happy anniversary!
Happy Anniversary!!!! I am finally getting a chance to catch up on some blogs. Your post was a blessing. It is truly by God's Grace and Mercy any of us have made it. We can't do it on our own strength. Loved your pictures!! Many Happy more years!
CONRATULATIONS, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY and I LUV all the great pictures. You are a beautiful couple.
Congrats! Cyn, you are adorable.
This is such a beautiful post - thanks for sharing your wisdom!! Isn't the Lord wonderful!!
Congrats on 39 years!
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