Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The party's over...

The party's over....
The pity party, that is.
I am taking 2 steps forward, and one step back, but I think I am moving in the right direction for a change!

There are indeed, things I was put on this earth for, and all of the moaning and pissing about my circumstances has done nothing to further advance what HE has for me to do.

If I want revival in my family, it must begin with me.
If I want to see change, it must begin with me.
 “Do you really want to see a revival begin? Then go back to your home and draw a circle around you on the floor. Then get down on your knees in the middle of the circle and ask God to convert everybody inside that circle. When you do that, and God answers, you are experiencing the start of revival.”
Evangelist Gypsy Smith

I saw that quote recently and it nearly broke my heart.
I must first get my walk with the Lord back where it belongs so I can finish what HE has for me to do.

I am asking God to begin with me.... the middle of that tiny circle.
Asking Him to do a new work in my heart.
To give me a passion for HIS will in my life.
To commit to praying and reading His Word

Then, and only then will He be able to move.

In Christ alone,



  1. Well said! I know this journey will end positively for you. Keep your faith and it will lead you through! You are a strong lady!

  2. This is a good word for us all!
    I'm glad you're back and moving forward.
    Don't look back, let God lead you on to an even better life than you could have imagined!
    I'm saying a prayer for you now.

  3. Such good advice for all of us to follow! Thanks Cindy

  4. I couldn't be more proud of you ...
    and the kick in the pants was needed, too

  5. You inspire me. :)

  6. Glad to see you moving forward! Revival does start with us first, thanks for the reminder.

  7. Awesome! Post,Cyn. I now know why you were on my mind today while I was driving to run errands, and just had to stop by when I came home,God knew I needed to hear this! Thank you for the encouragement and inspiration to us all, especially me.

  8. Anonymous1:49 PM

    So proud of goes on and HE has better plans for you...don't be a stubborn child...look ahead with wisdom enough to stop, look, listen for your direction...
    ~~peace & love & joy & blessings~~

  9. Great quote and post. Thank you. No matter what we're going thru (and everyone's battle is different) we have got to listen to God. We've got to STOP the flesh and just listen, believe, have faith, and obey. And of course all the above is so much easier said than done. Love and prayers are reaching you and surrounding this current situation.

  10. You GOT it! The journey is just beginning!

  11. Hi Cyn
    I've only just read about your loss of home as I was away. I'm so sorry to hear of this my friend. Please be assured I will be praying for you.
    I'm sure God will use this time of trial to create something even more beautiful in you ( even though at the time it is hard to think of anything good coming from it). God has been teaching me this same lesson over the past, difficult year. May God hold you close throughout this difficult time.
    Renata XO

  12. Hi Cindy!
    Oh I've been asleep since Christmas...almost literally. I've been going to work and coming home and falling on my face for hours ~ so tired!
    This week, I feel a little more energized and am here for a visit.
    Cindy, I am sorry that you have been struggling so, but see here that your faith and HIS power and passion in your life are strong. He is lifting you up...
    There is a new garden to plant, to nurture, to grow. God has given you a new garden, Cindy.
    We'll all be here, knowing showers of Grace are all around.
    ♥ Maria

  13. Well, shut the front door, my Cindy is back!!! you go girl! You are so awesome, thank you for being you. I love you.

  14. pity parties are a good thing; they help put things in perspective -grin-.

  15. I know just how you felt. Am currently homeless, but family has kept a roof over our heads and food in our stomach.
    I lost my father this year and spent 4 months helping my mother out.
    My hubby has gotten a few jobs but usually only about 2 weeks on 1 month or 2 off.
    The lessons I learned in the last year are so numerous-that I have settled some non-contentment areas of my life. The Lord is so good to teach us, even when we are yelling and complaining like children being weaned from milk.
    We will retire by September and know how to live very cheaply and live contently with the Lord's help.

  16. Cyn, I don't know what to say.....
    Im in heart breaks for you and your husband....but as you talk about revival in our families my heart breaks for my household too....I find some comfort in knowing that my God sees. He knows when our hearts are borken and he knows why. I havent been around much....I just really don't feel like blogging many fires burning in my world right now. Be comforted Cyn, once again joy will come in the morning.

  17. Beautiful post my friend! May the LORD give you daily HIS grace to follow where HE leads.

    Still praying for you......


    Isaiah 26:3-4

  18. Amen! I sense revival in the air. God is moving the hearts of His people!

  19. the best thing about pity parties is they somehow always make us take a second look at things and then we say "done, over, let us go on". Boot straps are wonderful things to pull one up with and it appears my friend that God has placed them in your hands. We are with you!

  20. Oh so good to hear, Cindy. I love that quote by Gypsy - my kinda gal. I need to draw me a circle, too. I tend to blame outside that circle and I need to focus on me. Good advice for all of us. I'm praying for you and hoping to give you some encouragement for this path you're on. I know you're on the right track and you can see it. God is not through here on this journey and there are blessings to be enjoyed just down the road. If you don't get up and go on, you'd never know what He has in store!!!

  21. Amen! I'm believe God will make a way. I know He will! He loves you so much. Hang in there!
