Monday, April 07, 2008

Now picture this...

Several weeks from now, this little potage will be filled, yes, filled I tell you, with French mesclun, baby arugula, sugar snap peas, green peas, and Italian salad mix. Doesn't look like much right now, but I have faith that all the teeny seeds I sowed a few days ago will bear much veggies. (We had to enclose it this year to protect it from very inquisitive chickens, who have no qualms whatsoever about digging up and eating all the precious seed I have sown)

Here is sweet Twiggy, taking time out of her very busy day, to lay me a beautiful, tiffany blue egg.

Not sure what perennial this will be clearer in the next few weeks, but...
And that's all I care about right now.
Pin It!


Lovella ♥ said...

Cyn, your Veggie patch looks just wonderful. Oh I can almost imagine freshly picked greens again.
Oh and the perennial? I think it's an iris. We'll see soon enough won't we?

savvycityfarmer said...

I do believe these are day lilies because I have the same clump in my yard...hehehe...not one of my favorites so this year I am hoicking them out.

Katy said...

YAY!!! Spring IS coming!!!! WOOT!!! :) i love all your pics! :)

Anonymous said...

Love the garden and the poor little chick that can't get in=)

Parisienne Farmgirl said...

Love your garden! I think it's a lilly too. Like you said, who cares, it's green!!!
Want you to teach me about chickens...think Im gonna try the urban coop thing as soon as we can get our fence up.