Tuesday, April 14, 2009


While cleaning out the lettuce/radish/arugula/carrot beds last week, I found these!!!
I was looking everywhere for them last fall!
Pretty much non-edible, as they were tough and stringy, so I tossed them off the side for the bunnies.

Here is what is growing in my kitchen window...
Leeks, basil, and cucumbers.
This week I hope to start some tomatoes and parsley.
Tho I belong to our local CSA (Community Supported Agriculture), there are veggies I can never get enough of.
Tomatoes are one, for sure.
I love being able to go outside, pick them, and have them on the table 20 minutes later.
And as we eat salads nearly every day, all year long, I always grow a good variety of lettuce.

Outside last week I planted Lincoln peas, arugula, French Breakfast radishes, and swiss chard.
Thursday the lettuces go in.

What's growin' in YOUR kitchen garden?
Pin It!


Cheryl said...

What comes naturally to you does not to me. Can you give me some tips on getting a garden started inside?


Tracy Bruring said...

Meclin lettuce mix, swiss chard, wild egyptian garlic, dill, varigated thyme, lavendar, peppers, some strawberries and assorted tomatos. That is all out front just by the front door. I am planning a serious herb bed out back.

Tracy Bruring said...

miss spelled the lettuce...Mesclin I think

Parisienne Farmgirl said...

well did she have that baby or what???

Unknown said...

Tomatoes, mostly. And herbs. I am hoping the CSA will take care of everything else.